Tuesday 10 March 2020

Schedule Cisco Router Reload

Today we will discuss how we can Schedule Cisco Router Reload 
Yes !!!! We can Schedule Cisco Router Reload.
Cisco IOS allows to Schedule a Reload.
The commands to do so are -
Option 1 :- " reload in " - after an interval
Option 2 :- "reload at "  - specific time 

#sh reload  - To verify the Schedule Router Reload/s
#reload cancel - To cancel Scheduled Router Reload

Schedule Cisco Router Reload

Option 1 :- " reload in " - after an interval

nettechstuff#sh clock

12:35:21.999 UTC Thu Mar 9 2020

nettechstuff#reload in?
Delay before reload (mmm or hhh:mm)
nettechstuff#reload in 2:10 ?
  LINE  Reason for reload

nettechstuff#reload in 2:10
Reload scheduled for 14:45:56 UTC Mon Mar 9 2020 (in 2 hours and 10 minutes) by console
Reload reason: Reload Command
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

Mar 9 12:35:59.191: %SYS-5-SCHEDULED_RELOAD: Reload requested for 14:45:56 UTC Mon Mar 9 2020 at 12:35:56 UTC Thu Mar 9 2020 by console. Reload Reason: Reload Command.

nettechstuff#sh reload
Reload scheduled for 14:45:59 UTC Mon Mar 9 2020 (in 2 hours and 9 minutes) by console
Reload reason: Reload Command

nettechstuff#reload cancel

Mar 9 12:36:09.603: %SYS-5-SCHEDULED_RELOAD_CANCELLED: Scheduled reload cancelled at 12:36:09 UTC Thu Mar 9 2020

Option 2 :- "reload at "  - specific time 

nettechstuff#sh clock
12:38:00.491 UTC Thu Mar 9 2020
nettechstuff#reload at ?
  hh:mm  Time to reload (hh:mm)

nettechstuff#reload at 5:30 ?
  <1-31>  Day of the month
  LINE    Reason for reload
  MONTH   Month of the year

nettechstuff#reload at 5:30 10 MAR ?
  LINE  Reason for reload

nettechstuff#reload at 5:30 10 MAR TEST
Reload scheduled for 05:30:00 UTC Wed Mar 10 2020 (in 16 hours and 51 minutes) by console
Reload reason: TEST
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
Mar 9 12:38:30.423: %SYS-5-SCHEDULED_RELOAD: Reload requested for 05:30:00 UTC Wed Mar 10 2020 at 12:38:28 UTC Tue Mar 9 2020 by console. Reload Reason: TEST.
nettechstuff#sh reload
Reload scheduled for 05:30:00 UTC Wed Mar 10 2020 (in 16 hours and 51 minutes) by console
Reload reason: TEST

Thanks For Reading !!!!!

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