Monday 30 March 2020

IPV6 CHAPTER 5 Types of IPV6 Unicast Addresses

Unicast Address

Used when one host to one host communication is desired.
Example –Unicast address will be used when Host A wants to communicate with Host B.

Global Unicast Address
Unique-Local Address
Link-Local Address

Global Unicast Address

These are equivalent to IPv4’s public address.
These are globally addresses which are unique.
Routable  globally
Assigned by IANA
First 3 bits are always 001 .
Always start with 2 or 3

Unique Local Address(ULA)

These are globally unique IP addresses but used for local communication.
Routable but not in IPV6 Global prefix table.
First 7 bits are always 1111 110.
Always start from FC or FD.

Link Local Address

Auto configured IP address once IPv6 is enable or configured.
These addresses are not routable, so a Router never forwards
Used for communication among IPv6 hosts on a link (within domain)

First 16 bits are set as 1111 1110 1000 0000  & the next 48-bits are set to 0
Always starts with FE80:0000:0000:0000

Thanks for Reading !!!!

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